15 research outputs found

    Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Toko Alat Tulis Kator (Studi Kasus: Toko Amarta)

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    Toko Amarta is an office stationery store that, in the process of recording transactions of goods, still uses manual methods. This often results in errors in recording data on the number of incoming and outgoing goods as well as the number of stocks. To overcome these problems, an office stationery transaction data processing system was created at the Amarta Store by utilizing technology-based software that can be expected to help realize a fast, accurate, and accountable system, namely a website-based office stationery shop information system. The method used in making this information system is the waterfall method. System business processes are depicted with flowcharts, and for system modeling, with Data Flow Diagram (DFD) and Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). The programming languages used are HTML, PHP, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, and MySQL. On this website, there are several features, namely product data, stock data, sales data, and purchase data. With this information system, store owners can manage store data centrally

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pengelolaan Data Harga Pangan Di Dinas Ketahanan Pangan Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah Berbasis Web

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    Technological developments greatly affect all aspects of human life, one of which is in the field of government. Currently, the food distribution sector in the food price division at the Central Kalimantan Province Food Security Service still uses excel as a medium for managing price data for reporting. This causes several problems, namely the processed data has not been integrated so that it takes time to process the price data recapitulation at the Service, slows down the performance of employees in making reports, and the risk of losing data is quite large. To overcome this problem, an application was made that can help employees/agencies to manage integrated food price data, search and make reports online through the website. The purpose of this research is to design and build a web-based food price data management application at the Food Security Service of Central Kalimantan Province. The system development method used in this research is the waterfall model, with the stages of Requirements Analysis and Definition, System and Software Design, Implementations and Unit Testing, Integration and System Testing, and Operation and Maintenance. Modeling systems and databases using Data Flow Diagrams and Entity Relationship Diagrams. This application consists of 2 (two) users, namely the provincial admin and the district admin. This application helps employees/agencies to manage food price data, search and report generation more easily and accurately

    Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Satuan Pendidikan Non-formal Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar Kota Palangka Raya Berbasis Web

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    The development of information technology in the field of education, especially in the Non-formal education unit of Palangka Raya City Learning Activities Center, requires a library information system. This library information system can increase the effectiveness and flexibility in collecting books, collecting members, and borrowing and returning books because, in the Non-formal education unit of the Palangka Raya City Learning Activities Center, things are still conventional, namely, the process of collecting books, collecting member data, and carrying out loan and return transactions is only carried out by writing on books. School libraries have a very influential role in the achievement of national education. The waterfall development method was used in the design of this information system. Where the waterfall method has six phases, namely requirement definition, system and software design, implementation and unit testing, integration and system testing, and operation and maintenance, The results achieved are the availability of information systems supporting the processes of book data collection, member data collection, and book lending transactions. The existence of this web-based library information system is intended to assist librarians in managing book data, member data, and book loan and return transaction data, and this information system is also expected to facilitate students in searching for book collections available in the library

    Aplikasi E-Catering Berbasis Website Menggunakan Metode Waterfall (Studi Kasus: Joca Catering)

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    Joca Catering is one of the home catering services in the city of Palangka Raya and has been established since 2015. This caterer has served various catering needs, ranging from households to offices. Joca Catering also offers food, cakes, and drinks. Generally, Joca Catering customers know about this catering service by word of mouth, because so far Joca Catering has promoted their business using the WOM (word of mouth) marketing method. This method is still considered inadequate for reaching a wider market, especially among young people. So Joca felt the need to replace their old marketing concept with the concept of online food ordering (e-catering). This research aims to build a website-based e-catering application that is able to become Joca Catering's marketing and sales medium. The development methodology used in making this website application is the waterfall development method. The result of this study is a website-based e-catering application that can provide information for visitors and customers about the food menu provided and can be used to order food menus

    Aplikasi Pemesanan Jasa Nail Art dan Eyelash Extension Berbasis Website (Studi Kasus: Pretty Bloom)

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    Pretty Bloom is an individual business that is personally managed by the owner of Pretty Bloom, therefore the problem with the ordering system is currently done manually and recording customer schedules is also still done manually by recording order data on a smartphone. For this reason, Pretty Bloom must look for other alternatives in handling the ordering system and promotion system. Therefore a website was built that can manage, store, and place orders to market Nail Art and Eyelash Extension services. The methodology used in designing and building this website is the waterfall method with the stages of Requirement Definition, System and Software Design, Implementation and Unit Testing and finally, Integration and System Testing using Black Box Testing. From the test results using Black box Testing, all the features on the website can run according to their function. This website can be used by Pretty Bloom to manage Nail Art and Eyelash Extension service catalog data and ordering data. In addition, customers can use it to view price list information for Nail Art and Eyelash Extension services offered and can place orders through the website


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    Bagapit is a traditional game from Central Kalimantan. This game is usually done in free time or after doing daily tasks. This traditional game has begun to be forgotten, because of the rapid development of technology. In this day and age, people prefer to play games with gadgets. Therefore, to preserve and introduce this game to the wider community who are already familiar with technology, it is necessary to create a mobile-based bagapit game application. This game was made using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method. This method consists of 6 stages, namely concept, design, collecting material, assembly, and testing. In this research, the system design is made by making use case diagrams, activity diagrams, storyboards, and User Interface designs. The material collected at the material collecting stage consists of background, object images, and audio. To determine the steps in the game, the Alpha Beta pruning algorithm and the MTD(f) algorithm are used. The making of this bagapit game uses the Godot Engine which uses the GDScript programming language. Testing is carried out using the black box testing method to ensure all functions in the game can function properly. This game consists of 3 levels that players can choose from. It is hoped that this game can introduce, provide insight, and preserve the bagapit game which is a traditional game typical of Central Kalimantan to the general public

    Aplikasi Portal Berita Berbasis Website (Studi Kasus: Lintasberita1.Com)

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    Since its establishment on September 25, 2018, lintasberita1.com has been active in reporting for the Palangka Raya city area of Central Kalimantan Province. Currently, lintasberita1.com still uses WordPress as a blog engine for news content. The use of WordPress has limitations in that the customization that can be done is limited to what is provided by the application developer itself. Another problem occurs in the news reporting process for field journalists who still use the WhatsApp application. This process is time-consuming for editors to take news and edit it on the WordPress administrator's site for publishing. Ad management constraints also often occur because they have to manually input data. Based on these problems, the purpose of this study is to design and build a website-based news portal lintasberita1 that can accommodate user needs. The waterfall software development method was used in this study. This method has several stages, namely requirement definition, system and software design, implementation and unit testing, integration and system testing, and operation and maintenance.. This research produces a website application that can provide information on the latest news in Central Kalimantan Province, and improve the news processing process to be systematic and integrated

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Enterprise Resource Planning Construction Sebagai Solusi Manajemen Proyek Konstruksi

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    Construction management is a professional service that uses special project management techniques to oversee the course of construction projects from the initiation stage to project closure. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an information technology solution that enables businesses and their suppliers to manage large projects effectively and efficiently throughout the project life cycle. Proper utilization of internal and external resources is very important if a construction company wants to make the best business decisions, maximize business goals, and survive in a competitive environment, it requires a system that can integrate various business functions and resources, especially those related to project procedures. Thus, a system Enterprise Resource Planning Construction System as a Construction Management Solution is designed. This system was developed using the waterfall software development methodology, which consists of four stages. Among other things, analyzing and defining features, constraints and system objectives, conducting system design to form a system architecture based on predetermined requirements using UML, implementing and unit testing and performing system integration and testing. The result of this research is an Enterprise Resource Planning Construction system that integrates Invoicing, Customer Relationship Management, Sales, Purchase, Inventory, Human Resource and Project modules. So that this system can be an alternative construction project management solution for managing construction projects online

    Aplikasi Website Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat (Studi Kasus: Kelurahan Panarung)

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    Service performance appraisal is now starting to become a benchmark for achieving quality service by evaluating every service and piece of information provided. The provision of questionnaire sheets is currently considered less effective in determining the satisfaction index of services due to storing data on questionnaire results and re-recording the results that have been filled in by the community. Therefore, this study aims to build a website to improve the work system with the aim of increasing the efficiency of the community satisfaction index. In designing the Community Satisfaction Index (IKM) Website, Panarung Village uses the waterfall method with stages: requirements definition, system and software design, implementation and unit testing, integration and system testing, operation and maintenance. This website has been tested with black box testing, and the results show that the features on the website can run well. The Panarung Village Community Satisfaction Index (IKM) website can be used as evaluation material for the performance of services in the Pahandut sub-district and also as a means of information such as news data, graphs, survey results, and criticism suggestions